Closing des Entwicklungsprojekts Sunset Heights, Houston, Texas.
Die geplante Wohnanlage im „Wrap-Style“ wird auf einem Straßenblock im sehr begehrten Stadtteil in Houston „The Heights“.
Mit 378 Wohnungen und eigenem Parkhaus in 5-stöckiger Holzbauweise wird die Anlage einen Innenhof mit Pool umschließen.
Start of the development project Sunset Heights, Houston, Texas.
The planned "wrap-style" residential development will be built on a street block and will feature 378 apartments in 5-story wood construction enclosing its own parking garage and courtyard with pool. It is located in Houston's highly desirable "The Heights" neighborhood, the fastest gentrifying neighborhood in Houston. Over the years, the area has added several new retail stores, restaurants, and gyms. The area offers rich and character – filled architecture and a lively art’s scene.